Sunday, February 24, 2008

Help! Backwards Sleeve Caps?

darcy blocking, originally uploaded by gradschoolknitter.

I finished up the "Follower Scarf" this morning... I'm not going to take anymore pictures right now, though, since I posted so many yesterday. I am, however, also at a crucial point in the Mrs. Darcy Cardi. I finished up both front pieces last night (doing both at the same time is sooooo much better) and they are now blocking, along with the back (as seen above). Here's what I'm thinking:

The pattern calls for the sleeves to be knit flat, from the cuff - up. There is a sleeve cap worked into the pattern, to fit nicely into the armhole shaping. What I want to do is work the sleeves backwards. So, what I *think* I should do is this: work the sleeves backwards, starting by picking up 10 stitches at the top of the armholes and doing a sort of backwards short row to pick up all of the stitches around the armhole until the sleeve cap is complete and then work in the round. Is this possible? Crazy? Genius? I can't decide.

I'm going to ask around at the yarn store today and see what other people think, but any and all input would be much appreciated!

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